Manufacturers of Oxygen Bomb Calorimeters
Oxygen Bomb Calorimeters built for various applications and industries; from coal analysis to university research.
Various Applications & Industries
Animal Feed, Coal & Coke Analysis, Explosives Analysis, Fuel & Oil Analysis, Food & Nutrition, University Teaching & Research, Waste Product Analysis, Safety Applications, Fossil Fuels, Scientific Research Applications.
DDS Calorimeters are the designers and manufacturers of the CAL3K range of oxygen bomb calorimeter systems. We offer next generation advanced bomb calorimeter systems with innovative technology and advanced features to suit your analytical needs.
A bomb calorimeter is a laboratory instrument that measures the heat generated by combusting a liquid and solid sample at a constant volume in a closed system. Our 5 calorimeter models are used to determine the calorific value of liquid and solid samples and is manufactured with various applications in mind, including but not limited to: animal feed research, waste product analysis, explosives analysis, fuel and oil analysis, coal and coke analysis, food & nutrition and university research.
The DDS product range ranges from entry-level systems for low sample throughput, to advanced automatic systems that require little to no operator input.

Pankaj Nanda (Handyman's Lime Limited)
We, Handyman's Lime Limited in Ndola, Zambia have been using the CAL3K-A system since March 2015. We use the CAL3K-A system for analysis of calorific value (CV in coal samples). We run on an average 180 samples per month. We have found the system to be reliable and well suited to our requirements. The system is cost effective and easy to maintain. We are extremely satisfied with the system as a whole, we even purchased a second oxygen bomb calorimeter system from Digital Data Systems in 2020.

Somnath Ghosal (Aimil Ltd.)
Thank you team DDS for wonderful and continuous support. This CAL3K-AP installation and performance would give a new enhanced confidence for discussion with all prospects now and in future

Joyce Nkosi (Khwezela Colliery, Thungela)
I, Joyce Nkosi, Laboratory Supervisor at Khwezela Colliery, am using the CAL3K-A calorimeter system. I am very satisfied with the machine, the spares are available and proper service is done on the machine. The machine runs smoothly and I would recommend the machine for coal samples

Thomas Dobbie (Impact Solutions)
Easy to order spare parts: Ordered spare parts, parts shipped in a timely manner, customer service was good.

Michael Wise (International Paper in Alabama, USA)
We have been using the E2K Standard System which we purchased in May 2008. We are using the E2K to analyze wood waste samples - hardwood and pine chips, sawdust, etc. We also analyze crosstie samples which is the wood beam that is found on railroad tracks, and analyze approximately 150 samples per month. We run, on average about 150 CV's a month, and the unit is still going strong.

SAS Technology and Environment Laboratory
SAS Technology and Environment Laboratory are using their DDS Calorimeter for the analysis of hazardous waste with final disposal in incineration ovens. The determination of the Calorific Value of this type of waste is analyzed to determine the residual energy value in order to create the high calorie energy balance required for the incineration furnaces.

Makki (University of Bahrain, College of Science)
We mainly use the CAL2K Bomb Calorimeter for teaching purposes. Physical Chemistry students are using it for the determination of the heat of combustion. Two compounds are used in the experiments run by the students : Solid (Naphthalene) and Liquid (Benzene). Some of the University academic staff also use the CAL2K from time to time for research applications (for example, food stuff applications). Working on the CAL2K, our students find it easy to use, yet powerful enough. It is the ideal teaching instrument. Our students enjoy talking to CAL2K. As for me, I believe that CAL2K Bomb Calorimeter is the best machine money can buy.

Prof. Dr. Emilian Mosnegutu (University of Bacau, Romania)
By using the E2K Bomb Calorimeter I could achieve a wide variety of experimental research, in this way bringing a major contribution to knowledge on the incineration of different materials (mainly solid waste). Possibility of equipment to determine the strength of incineration of different types of material it offers a versatility in use, which makes it superior to other types of equipment which currently exist on the market.
Navigating the Flames: Choosing the Right CAL3K Calorimeter System for your Research
In the intricate world of bomb calorimetry, choosing the right calorimeter model is crucial. The CAL3K range of calorimeter systems from DDS Calorimeters offers a spectrum of options, designed to meet the diverse needs of researchers across various fields. But with so many choices, navigating the landscape of calorimeters can feel overwhelming. This guide aims to equip you with the knowledge and insights necessary to select the perfect CAL3K system for your specific research requirements.

A flexible system for low to high throughput without compromising on accuracy and repeatability. It is used in Food/Feed Analysis, Alternative Energy, Scientific Determinations, Coal and Oil Production, research and Quality Assurance. In short: where the calorific value of a solid/liquid sample must be determined.
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The CAL3K-S Bomb Calorimeter is a powerful entry level system for low throughput without compromising on accuracy and repeatability. The CAL3K-S calorimeter has a compact size, low energy consumption and boasts a large list of features with an unbeatable price tag.
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The CAL3K-A is best suited for a production environment with shared oxygen supply (to other users) and robust handling. One external oxygen filling station can service multiple CAL3K Calorimeter Systems. The DDS Calorimeters range can be used to determine the calorific value of solid and liquid combustibles including oil, coke, volatile fuels, biomass, plastic, coal, animal feeds and food stuffs.
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Our top of the range product is our fastest calorimeter in the CAL3K range. The CAL3K-AP has a sample repeat speed of 4-6 minutes per sample and can handle more than 10 samples per hour for faster throughput. The CAL3K-AP is suited for a clean and well maintained laboratory with a requirement for very fast and accurate results.
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DDS Calorimeters are used in a wide range of applications: animal feed research, coal analysis, explosives analysis, fuel analysis, food & nutrition, oil analysis, universities, waste product analysis, cement manufacturing, just to name a few.
DDS Calorimeters are used in a wide range of applications: animal feed research, coal analysis, explosives analysis, fuel analysis, food & nutrition, oil analysis, universities, waste product analysis, cement manufacturing, just to name a few.

Book a Training Session or Demo
DDS Calorimeters offers training in three sections.
Sales (Dealer Training), Operator Training, Installation/Maintenance and Repair Training. We offer training on all of our systems, either on site or at your premises in Southern Africa. Training at our premises is free, please contact for availability. Typically all training can be achieved, including theory and practical, in two full days. Please contact us for more information.

Contact our team to request a price comparison or if you have any questions regarding our products.